Monday, January 21, 2013

Cradle I

Here is a picture of a cradle I finished right before Christmas.  The wood species is Poplar.  The finish is four coats of shellac and one coat of wax.

I have started another cradle which is being made from Walnut.  More posts to come on Cradle II

The shellac used is Zinser blonde shellac the product is here.  It is the picture in the upper right-hand corner.  Now I am not sure if this product is wax free; however, there is a sealer that specifically states it is wax free.

Can anywone provide some insights on the wax/non-wax versions of this product.


  1. Beautiful cradle Todd! You've created an heirloom.

  2. Thank you Maribeth.

    It was extremely challenging on the first go around. The second is going along much better. This is because I have worked out some of the bugs in the process.
